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Jonathan Dionne

Signing and running modded application on macOs

/ 1 min read

On macOS, we need to sign applications to be able to run those. If you get your apps from trusted developers (aka. from the App Store) you will be able to run your Apps without any hassle.

So now, let’s say you get a modded application or maybe you have performed some modifications on an application. You might need to sign back the application to be able to run it. I’ve created that post for that use case.

How to

  1. Open the Keychain on your computer and Create a Certificate.
Create a new certificate with the Keychain Access Application
  1. Give a name (up to your) to your certificate and make sure to select Code Signing for the Type.
New certificate window
  1. We are ready to sign the application with the following command
Terminal window
sudo codesign -s "<name-of-my-certificate>" -fv
  1. Launch the newly codesigned application! 🍾