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Jonathan Dionne

Extract SSL Certificate from url

/ 1 min read

Quick tip on how I’m extracting certificates from a given URL


While googling, I discovered that tool named Certificate Ripper; seriously, it’s day and night!

That tool eases the extraction process and is available on any operating system (ok… you must download it first 😅, but it runs on any system). On top of that, you don’t need to have OpenSSL installed on the machine running the tool and you can generate a p12 truststore right from the extraction!


I’m listing here the commands I use the most. But don’t hesitate to consult the GitHub repository for more options.

Combined certificate chain into a single file
java -jar crip.jar export pem --include-header=false --combined=true --url=<url>


One file per certificate
java -jar crip.jar export pem --include-header=false --combined=false --url=<url>